A Study of 28 Peering Policies

The following are snippets of Peering Policy Clauses found in the Peering Rules of the Road - A Study of 28 Peering Policies study. Clauses were categorized and put into rough categories for comparison.

Consistent Announcements Peering Policy Clause

All announcements are to be consistent, in terms of prefix aggregation properties, across all interconnect locations. – Speakeasy

Hurricane Electric will announce consistent routes at each exchange point and expects peers to do the same. – Hurricane Electric

Each Internet Network will announce consistent customer routes at all interconnection points, unless both Internet Networks mutually agree otherwise based on special circumstances. -- ATDN

Both parties shall announce consistent routes across all interconnection points. – InterNap

tw telecom peers must maintain consistent route announcements across all peering sessions. – TW Telecom

Both parties shall announce consistent routes across all interconnection points. – nLayer

All peers are expected to offer consistant routes to facilitate closest-exit routing unless otherwise expressly agreed. This consistancy is expected in next-hop, origin, MED, and all other such decision-making attributes; non-conforming routes can be rewritten at the discretion of RCN. Agreements for best-exist or other forms of traffic exchange can be made in email.– RCN

NOT CONSISTENT: Due to the localised nature of BBC content, we reserve the right to advertise a different set of prefixes at each location. – BBC

Consistent route announcements at all exchange locations. – Cox # Both parties shall have consistent route announcements across all public and private interconnection points. – wbsconnect

DALnet requests that peers maintain consistent route announcements across all peering locations. – Dalnet

# Peers must advertise consistent route announcements at all locations where an interconnect is established. – Mzima Applicant must use the same peering AS at each US interconnection point and must announce a consistent set of routes at each point, unless otherwise mutually agreed. – Comcast Applicant's announcements within Europe must be consistent, i.e. Applicant must announce the same set of routes on all peering sessions – tinet Applicant's announcements within the US must be consistent –tinet

Each Internet Network will announce consistent customer routes from a single AS at all interconnection points. – LambdaNet All announcements are to be consistent, in terms of prefix aggregation properties, across all interconnect locations. –OpenAccess

# Make consistent route announcements at all public peering points. – Highwinds

Must maintain consistent global routing announcements at all peering locations – Charter Potential peer must maintain consistent global routing announcements at all interconnections. – CableVision

Candidate must carry full customer routes in Interconnect routers, and announce consistent routes using BGP4 at all peering locations. Interconnection Candidate must use the same peering AS at each U.S. interconnection point. – Qwest

Peer must use the same peering AS at each US interconnection point and must announce a consistent set of routes at each point, unless otherwise mutually agreed. – AT&T

About the Author

William B. Norton photo

Mr Norton is Founder of DrPeering, an Internet Peering portal and consultancy, with over twenty years of Internet experience.

From 1998-2008, Mr. Norton’s title was Co-Founder and Chief Technical Liaison for Equinix. From the beginning, Mr. Norton focused on building a critical mass of carriers, ISPs and Content Providers. To this end, he created the white paper process, identifying interesting and important Internet peering operations topics, and documenting what he learned from the peering folks. He published and presented his research white papers in a variety of international operations and research forums. These activities helped establish the relationships necessary to atract the set of Tier 1 ISPs, Tier 2 ISPs, Cable Companies, and Content Providers necessary for a healthy Internet Exchange Point ecosystem.



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