Top 10 ways seasoned Peering Coordinators Contact Target ISPs
- face-to-face at informal meeting in an Internet Operations forum like NANOG, IETF, RIPE, GPF, APNIC, AFNOG, etc.,
- face-to-face at Commercial Peering Forums like Global Peering Forum (you must be a customer of one of the sponsoring IXes)
- face-to-face at IX Member Meetings like DE-CIX, LINX, or AMS-IX member meetings.
- introductions through an IX Chief Technical Liaison or a peer that knows the right contacts
- via electronic mail, using the pseudo standard or a personal contact,
- from contacts listed on an exchange point participant list, or peeringdb registrations,
- with tech-c or admin-c from DNS or ASN registries,
- Google for peering contact $ASN peering ,
- from the target ISP sales force, at trade show or as part of sales process,
- from the target ISP NOC.
From the Internet Service Providers and Peering white paper.