Almost all attachments to the Internet are made at the edge. We will begin our exploration here.
In section I, we introduce the “Internet Transit” service, how it is offered, priced, and metered. We exercise these definitions with a set of “Internet Transit Playbook” tactics that some of the smartest peering coordinators in the world have used to derive the maximum value from the Internet Transit service for the minimum cost. While many of these tactics are not recommended, they have been used in the field, they demonstrate the Internet Transit service, and they exercise the lexicon. In my peering workshops and consulting engagements, the Internet Transit Playbook chapter has proven to be very educational.
By the end of this section you will understand the Internet Transit service.
Section I includes the following chapters:
Now that you understand how to connect to the edge of the Internet (the way 90% of connections are made) it’s time to learn how to do it better. The rest of this book is about Internet Peering, connecting your network at the core of the Internet. This section provides the necessary foundation for understanding the Internet Peering Ecosystem and Internet Peering Playbooks.
We will explore the
By the end of this section you will understand the concept of Internet Peering. You will understand the Internet Peering model enough to prove – not convince – but prove when it makes sense to pursue peering and when it doesn’t, from a purely objective financial perspective. You will learn the processes of Internet Peering, the financial value derived from peering, and the processes proven most effective to find, contact, and negotiate with peers. We will walk through the ten criteria that ISPs have claimed were the most important to them when selecting among Internet Exchange Points. We will finish with a discussion of the benefits and drawbacks of Public Peering and Private Peering.
Section II includes the following chapters:
In this section we will explore the Internet operations context – the environment, the participants, and the dynamics at the core of the Internet.
We will start by quickly examining how we got here. We will learn about the first peering and how the government-funded NSFNET backbone evolved into the commercial model of today.
The Global Internet Peering Ecosystem model is introduced as a collection of Internet Regions, each with its own Internet Peering Ecosystem. We spotlight the
categories of participants, their positions, and corresponding motivations. You will learn why their behavior is predictable in the ecosystem.
The section then brings us to the present day by walking through the addition of several key players in the ecosystem. These players embrace peering on a massive scale, creating a “fat middle” in the ecosystem. We finish with the emerging access power peering dynamic. This section contains the following chapters:
In this last section we present the tactics used by some of the smartest peering coordinators in the world. They shared some tactics that they have used to obtain peering where they otherwise would not have been able to. We briefly present the foundation of the IXP, the colocation facility, and then finish by sharing some of the tricks of the trade that the most successful IXPs in the world have used to build, grow, maintain, and defend their “critical mass.”
This section contains the following chapters:
Additional chapters ( Remo him andte Peering, International Peering, etc.) are available in the 2014 Internet Peering Playbook.