Restrictive Peering Policy

Definition: A Restrictive Peering Policy is an articulation of an inclination not to peer with any more entities.

A Restrictive Peering Policy is a reflection of a Restrictive Peering Inclination - a general willingness NOT to peer.

There may be a written Peering Policy but most likely it is covered under a non-disclosure agreement.

There is a general anonymosity against those with Restrictive Peering Policies. They are viewed as operating in an anti-social fashion, not seeing the value of the other parties, seeking to extract incremental revenue from a party providing value to their customers.

Peering Policies can be described in these these rough categories:

Definition: An Open Peering Policy is an articulation of an inclination to peer with anyone.

Definition: A Selective Peering Policy is an articulation of an inclination to peer, but with some conditions.

Definition: A Restrictive Peering Policy is an articulation of an inclination not to peer with any more entities.

Definition: A No-Peering Policy is an articulation of an inclination not to peer at all.




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